Bethesda Academy

Bethesda Academy Students

Bethesda Academy serves as a liberating force among tribal communities. It is an English Medium High School for Preparatory/Nursery up to Class Xth with a Motto ‘Education for Transformation’.  Started in the year 2013 the Academy aims to provide the best possible education accessible to every child in the region. We follow both the best School Syllabus in the region and our own publication, an Indigenous textbook called Discovering Cultural Foundation. 

We got 100% pass results in the State Board Class Xth Examinations in 2019. We are delighted that all of our class Xth students also got letter marks in MIL subject. They were the first generation to go to school in their families.

We have provided free education to 200 IDP (Internally Displaced Person) students of ongoing violence in Manipur.

Students in new classroom, September 2023
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